Milewska Legal


Agreements on Non-Competition for Employees (No-Poach Agreements)

What are “No-Poach Agreements”? Why are they considered unfair competition? What penalties can result from entering into such agreements?

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Anti-Competitive Wage-Fixing Agreements (Wage-Fixing Agreements)

What are “Wage-Fixing Agreements”? Why are they considered unfair competition? What are the penalties for entering into such agreements?

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Supplement to Wages for Part-Time Employees for Work Beyond Scheduled Hours

What is the supplement for work beyond scheduled hours? What constitutes work beyond scheduled hours versus overtime? Do part-time employees qualify for this wage supplement?

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The statute of limitations of liability of a management board member for company’s obligations

The statute of limitations of liability of a member of the management board for company’s obligations is a complex issue. This happens mostly due to the fact that the provisions regulating this matter are contained in at least three legal acts: the Commercial Companies Code (art. 299), which, in the context of the statute of limitations, should be read in conjunction with the Civil Code, the Tax Ordinance (arts. 116 and 118) and the Public Finance Act (art. 66b).

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Execution of claims in Poland

You have won a court dispute against a Polish contractor. How to pursue the execution of the amount of money court ordered them to pay? When is it possible to execute the claim via Polish authorities? How much would it cost? How long does it take?

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Litigation of claims in Poland

You have a contract with a Polish partner. Something went wrong (the partner did not pay you, you suffered damage as a result of your partner’s conduct, your partner did not deliver the product on time, etc.). You would like to sue your Polish partner. When can you sue before a Polish court? What costs does it entail? How long does it take?

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