Milewska Legal

Establishing companies in Poland

Do I have to come in person to establish an LLC in Poland?

There is no need to do so. You can grant us a power of attorney (certified by your local notary public and delivered to us in original). We will take care of the formalities on your behalf – from establishing the company until the moment the company is registered by the register court. Then – you will need to come personally to Poland to open the company’s bank account (we cannot do that on your behalf).

What documents will be necessary to establish an LLC in Poland?

In order to establish an LLC in Poland, we will definitely need details on the shareholders and members of the board of directors, information on the address of the company, scope of its planned activity, etc. Also – if the shareholder is a foreign legal entity – we will need extract from a relevant business register and possibly – the Articles of Association of that entity. It might be that we will need to get these documents translated by a sworn translator in Poland.

How much does it cost to establish an LLC in Poland?

Usually establishing process with all costs and expenses for a basic LLC (with a minimal share capital), including our remuneration, shall amount in total to app. 3 500 EUR. However, the final fees may vary (might be lower or higher), depending on specific circumstances (for example – the amount of the share capital). The fees do not include operational expenses of the company in Poland once it is already established, such as monthly accounting fees, lease rent for the company’s offices, etc.

How long does it take to establish an LLC in Poland?

Usually, when we act as proxies and we receive from you information and documents within short time after we send the request, the whole process shall take not more than few weeks.

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